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RELIGION in the history of Near East

Religions of the ancient Near East

Ancient civilizations in the Near East were deeply influenced by their spiritual beliefs, which generally did not distinguish between heaven and Earth. They believed that divine action influenced all mundane matters, and also believed in divination (ability to predict the future). Omens were often inscribed in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, as were records of major events.

We also have to take into account that Near East englobes the areas where the firsts civilizations where placed and also where some religions -as the Christian ones -think their God or history began, and so very important spiritual and sacred places as Jerusalem or the Hajj.

Additional information.

In the map below, even the quality its improvable, you can see graphically -thanks to the different colours -the variety of ethnics that exist within the boundaries of the region and how they are distributed, with this variety is not strange that also a huge varieties of religions coexist too.

Below you have two examples of the devoutness diversity in Iran and Syria -the brown one is Iran and the green one is Syria -.

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About this page

We are Júlia Reniu and Eduard Ortiz, and both we are students of Global Studies at the UPF in the Academic Year 2016-2017, we are doing this blog within the Introduction to Global Studdies course.


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